This Easter week-end, Billie and I were finally reaunited with Ramiro, who had spent the week in San Francisco on business. I had made plans to visit my family at my father's maple farm but honestly could not bare to be seperated from these two. And so we decided to spend this holiday as we have been spending holidays lately: going on a nature adventure! The weather was glorious and we headed to Chutes Montmorency, which I have blogged about before here and here. It's a beautiful spot with lots of tourists and a few secret spots you learn to appreciate as a local. It was our first adventure since visiting Isle-aux-Coudres on New Year's Day and Billie's actual first time she could run through the woods and explore the wilderness. It was so cute to see her enthousiam! We also ate home made tacos as we have every year on Easter since we have been married and topped it off by watching the first Game of Thrones Season 3 episode on HBO. Pretty perfect I'd say. Hope your Easter was lovely too my friends! Virginie xo