

It's hard to talk about Gone Girl without giving anything away, hence the small amount of images in this post! I must admit I am a fan of director David Fincher at large but there is something about the way he does investigation films that is just... outside the box. And so cool. I remember seeing 7even when I was just a teenager and being blown away and The Zodiac is one of my top favourite films. I'll admit I was a bit sceptical of his casting choices (am I the only one utterly bored with Ben Affleck?) and went in with a bit of a bitchy attitude... Hello wrongful thinking! There is something so sweet and airy about the way Fincher treats the subject of a wife's disappearance and her husband's uncanny reactions. As I say I don't want to spoil it for you (prepare to be shocked!) I dare not say more, but here's the down low: it's finally out on Blu Ray / DVD  and it's in my top two favourite films from 2014 so do yourself a favour and check it out! Happy screening, Virginie XO