

I had heard a lot of buzz around The True Cost, a documentary film directed by filmmaker Andrew Morgan that takes an honest look at the human and environmental cost of the clothes we wear. My relationship with my clothes has changed a lot in the past 10 years. From blogging about personal style (I feel so silly about it when I think back on that!) to becoming a creative consumer and building a wardrobe that is more than half vintage / thrifted / swapped / second hand, it reached a high point recently when I decided to go on a shopping strike. I  have been growing increasingly uncomfortable with consuming more than I need and this past June decided to go on a 4 months no shopping time period. Surprisingly, it wasn't quite as challenging as I thought it was and it made me realize I already have more than I need, so I decided to extend the challenge to a full year. Is that something you'd be willing to try too? 

The True Cost is available on Netflix and you can learn more about the responsible consumerism on the film's website. No matter your relationship to fashion and your shopping habits, you should watch this documentary, as to make informed choices about the way you consume, but also understand what goes behind what you buy, and how it impacts the world. Knowledge is power and together we can make a big change I am sure! Virginie XO