

This Friday, my best friends in the whole world threw me a little birthday celebration to mark the fact that tomorrow, I will be turning 31 (!). I am SO touched that my friends secretly put this night together, it was the best way to spend my birthday. We had delicious cocktails, played some music together, listened to Gainsbourg and had the best vegetarian chilli I have ever had. There were also hand made cards and little fireworks. My two girlfriends Anne and Sophie were flawless hostesses and their lives are SO busy right now (our careers are on fire girls!), I'm beyond honored that they took time to spoil me. Getting older is a bit scary but I already know that in so many ways, 31 is going to be a marking year that will change my life forever... SO many good things are coming our way! Merciiii les amis pour la fĂȘte! Virginie xo