
Sophie's Idea

I really like my friend Sophie, because she has a completely charming way of being spontaneous.

I always know that when I'm with her, something winsmical, illicit and totaly unique is going to happen.

Yesterday she decided she wanted to film a spontaneous concert of a band called Waving Hand on our friend François-Samuel's roof (I have told you previously how much I love this roof!). She would use the video as a teaser for her upcoming festival, Festival OFF in Québec City, that will unfold in July.

So today, we went up on the roof and made the simplest video we could in this uncanny setting that bosts the most amazing views ever. I got the sound equipment at Spirafilm and asked my friend Elias Djemil to come direct it. The final result is going to be fab I am sure.

It was totally awsome, the music was so good and the weather was beautiful, sunny and fresh, as it only gets in Québec at the begining of June. Lovely!

I love Sophie's shirt that she got at Semaine de la Mode de Montréal of local designer Denis Gagnon.


  1. Pourquoi écrire en anglais. On y parle que de Québec ou presque, c'est dommage je trouve.

  2. Bonjour Anonymus :)

    Je suis originaire du West Island de Montréal et je souhaite faire carrière aux États-Unis, donc je m'exprime en anglais. La majorité du lectorat en anglophone et est de l'extérieur du Québec, ce qui permet de faire découvrir notre belle ville aux lecteurs du monde entier, dont la langue principale demeure l'anglais.

    Merci de me lire :)



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